

2025年4月生 募集のお知らせ

(English follows Japanese)
* 2024年7月のCOE 合格率: 100%
* 「適正校 クラスI」です
*  応募多数のため、現在2024年度の募集は締め切られておりますので、2025年4月期のご希望の方はお早めにお申込みください。
1. 募集期間: 2024年6月17日~ (定員になり次第終了します)
2. 対象者:
(1) 本国で12年以上の正規課程教育(期間は国によって異なる)及びその他同様の学校教育を修了した者で日本入国時に満18歳以上の者
(2) 本国で大学等の高等教育機関への入学資格(高校卒業又は高校卒業と同等の資格保持者)を持つ者 
(3) 最終学歴の総合成績が3.0以上の者 (GPA  A: 4, B: 3, C: 2, D: 1) 
(4) 日本語能力試験 (JLPT) N5レベル相当以上(4月生【2年コース】)、N4レベル相当以上(4月生【1年コース】)と認められる者 
(5) 出願時点で150時間以上の日本語学習履修証明書を提出できる者 
(6) 最終学歴修了後5年以内であること 
(7) タバコを吸わない者 
(8) 当校に卒業まで在籍する意思がある者
(9) 学習意欲が高く、十分な支払い能力がある仕弁者がいる者
3. 出願方法: 入学希望者提出書類を当学院へ送って下さい
4. 選考内容: 提出書類の調査、筆記試験、面接を行います
5. 合否発表: 合否については順次お知らせいたします
6. お問い合わせ: 新富国際語学院 事務局
電話番号: 043-276-5828 (日本国内から) 
                    +81-43-276-5828 (日本国外から)
メールアドレス: jimu@shintomi.jp 
理事長 三宅 和幸
Dear Sir or Madam
This is from Shintomi International Language Academy.
We are pleased to announce that Shintomi International Language Academy is recruiting students for April 2025.
Please contact at jimu@shintomi.jp if you need our application information.
* July 2024 COE Acceptance Rate: 100%
* “Proper School Class I”
*  Due to the high number of applications, the 2024 school year applications are currently closed. 
    We expect many applicants will apply for our April 2025 when opening our doors for the April 2025 intake. 
    We strongly encourage you to apply as soon as possible. 
Application prerequisites below:
1. Application Period: from June 17th, 2024 (Closing as soon as our capacity is reached)
2. Qualification:
(1) Applicants who have completed at least 12 years of official education in his/her home country (duration varies by country)
       or other similar schooling, and who are at least 18 years old at the time of entry into Japan.
(2) Applicants must be qualified to enter a university or other institution of higher education in his/her home country
      (high school graduates or holders of credentials equivalent to high school diplomas).
(3) Applicants who has overall GPA of 3.0 or above in final academic background (GPA  A: 4, B: 3, C: 2, D: 1) 
(4) Applicants must be recognized as equivalent to JLPT N5 level or above for 2-year course and N4 level or above for 1-year course.
(5) Applicants must be able to submit a certificate of completion of at least 150 hours of Japanese language study at the time of application.
(6) Applicants must be within 5 years of completion of their last degree.
(7) Applicants must be non-smokers.
(8) Applicants who intend to stay at our school until graduation.
(9) Applicants who are highly motivated to learn and have a sponsor with sufficient ability to pay.
3. How to Apply: Please send the application documents to our school.
4. Selection: Document Screening, Writing Exam, Interview
5. Accept/Failure Announcement: Acceptance or rejection will be notified in due course.
6. Contact: Shintomi International Language Academy, Admissions Office
                    Phone: 043-276-5828 (Japan Domestic Call) 
                             +81-43-276-5828 (International Call)
                            Mail: jimu@shintomi.jp
* Health Check Report forms are available in 10 languages including Indonesian, Nepalese, Vietnamese, Myanmar, and English.
   Please ask the admissions which language you need.
For more information on application, please visit our website.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
We are looking forward to receiving applications from everyone who wishes to study in Japan.
For those agents who have applied, we will send you Student Application Agreement with our school.
Yours Sincerely,
Kazu Miyake, Chairman of Shintomi International Language Academy
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